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Shareholder Information

SEBI Circulars

Description Date Format
Extension of timelines (i) for nomination in eligible demat accounts and (ii) for submission of PAN, Nomination and KYC details by physical security holders; and voluntary nomination for trading accounts Sep 26, 2023
Corrigendum cum Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023 on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market Aug 04, 2023
Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market Jul 31, 2023
Model Tripartite Agreement between the Issuer Company, Existing Share Transfer Agent and New Share Transfer Agent as per Regulation 7(4) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 May 25, 2023
Common and simplified norms for processing investor's service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination Mar 16, 2023
Issuance of Securities in dematerialized form in case of Investor Service Requests Jan 25, 2022

Chairman's Townhall with Shareholders

Description position Format
Invitation from the Chair FY24
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FY24

Update PAN, KYC details and Nomination

Pursuant to SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023, it has been made mandatory for all the shareholders holding securities of the Company in physical mode to update PAN, KYC details and Nomination by September 30, 2023. In the event of non-receipt of such details and non-compliance with the requirement(s), the concerned securities in the folio shall be frozen.

Hence, all the shareholders holding securities of the Company in physical mode are requested to furnish PAN (linked to Aadhaar), KYC details and Nomination with the RTA by September 30, 2023.

Description Date Format
Stock Exchange Intimation for sending the Reminder Letters to the holders of physical securities to furnish PAN, KYC details and Nomination as per SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023 Jun 09, 2023
Reminder Letters sent to the Shareholders holding securities in physical mode in pursuance of the SEBI Circular dated March 16, 2023 May 22, 2023

Faqs on the proposed delisting of
Vedanta Limited

Detailed Faq’s On Vedanta Delisting

Key Terms

Public Shareholders: Holders of Equity Shares, other than the following:

1. Promoters, promoter group and persons acting in concert with them; and

2. Holders of depository receipts issued overseas against Equity Shares held with a custodian (i.e., the American Depository Shares issued by the Company ("ADS")) and such custodian holding the Equity Shares.

Offer / Proposal: The proposed voluntary delisting of the Equity Shares from the Stock Exchanges in accordance with the Delisting Regulations.

Delisting Regulations: SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009, as amended.

Equity Shares: Fully paid-up equity shares of the Company.

Promoter / Acquirer: Vedanta Resources Limited ("VRL") and / or its subsidiaries.

SEBI: The Securities and Exchange Board of India.

Stock Exchanges: The recognised stock exchanges where the Equity Shares are presently listed namely, BSE Limited ("BSE") and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited ("NSE").

Target / Company: Vedanta Limited ("VEDL").

Next Steps

Shareholders' approval: The Company has sent postal ballot notice on May 25, 2020 to seek shareholders' approval for the Delisting Offer by way of special resolution through postal ballot and e-voting. Further actions can be taken only if it is approved with a 2:1 majority of Public Shareholders. This is an approval to proceed with the Delisting Offer and is not a decision on the final exit offer price.

In-principle approval: Post shareholders' approval, the Company would be required to apply to Stock Exchanges seeking their in-principle approval.

Public announcement and dispatch of letter of offer: Following the in-principle approval, Promoter will make a public announcement ("PA") and dispatch letter of offer (containing material information in relation to the Delisting Offer) ("LOF") along with bid form to the Public Shareholders.

Bidding period: : The bidding period (open for 5 working days) to be commenced within seven working days of the PA during which the Public Shareholders may tender their bids. The final exit offer price will be determined as the price at which Equity Shares accepted through eligible bids, that takes the shareholding of the Promoter (along with the persons acting in concert) to at least 90% of the paid up equity share capital of the Company, excluding the Equity Shares which are then held by a custodian and against which ADS have been issued. Option to accept / reject final exit offer: Upon the discovery of the final exit offer price, the Promoter will have the option either to accept or reject the final exit offer price. In case, the final exit offer price is not acceptable to the Promoter, it will have an option to make a counter offer within two working days from the discovery of final exit offer price.

Post offer announcement: If the Delisting Offer is successful, the Promoter will be required to pay the consideration to Public Shareholders within 10 working days of the closure of the bidding period.

Payment of consideration: If the Delisting Offer is successful, the Promoter will be required to pay the consideration to Public Shareholders within 10 working days of the closure of the bidding period.

Final application: After payment of consideration, the Company would make the final application to the Stock Exchanges. Upon receipt of their approval, Equity Shares will be delisted.

Right of remaining Public Shareholders: The remaining Public Shareholders may tender their Equity Shares to the Promoter up to a period of one year from the date of delisting and, in such case, the Promoter will accept the Equity Shares at the final exit offer price.

Pricing & Impact

1. How will the final offer price be determined for the Delisting?

The floor price for the delisting is calculated in accordance with the Delisting Regulations and the Public Shareholders are required to bid at a price either at or above the floor price during the reverse book building process. Therefore, floor price is a minimum price which is required to be offered to the Public Shareholders. The floor price for the Delisting Offer, determined in accordance with the Delisting Regulations, is INR 87.25. The same has been certified by Price Waterhouse & Co LLP pursuant to its certificate dated May 18, 2020.

Promoter has communicated an Indicative Offer Price ("IOP") in its letter dated May 12, 2020, wherein it expressed its willingness to accept Equity Shares tendered by the Public Shareholders at the IOP of INR 87.50.

Neither the IOP nor the floor price is the final exit offer price for the Delisting Offer. The final exit offer price is determined pursuant to the reverse book building process prescribed in the Delisting Regulations. It would be decided on the basis of bidding by the Public Shareholders during the bidding period. The final exit offer price shall be determined as the price at which Equity Shares accepted through eligible bids, that takes the shareholding of the Promoter (along with the persons acting in concert) to at least 90% of the paid up equity share capital of the Company, excluding the Equity Shares which are then held by a custodian and against which ADS have been issued. The Promoter has the discretion either to accept or reject the final exit offer price discovered pursuant to the reverse book building process. If the final exit offer price is accepted, then, the Promoter shall accept all Equity Shares tendered where the corresponding bids placed are at the final exit offer price or at a price which is lesser than the final exit offer price.

In the event the final exit offer price is not accepted by the Promoter, it has an option to make a counter offer in accordance with the Delisting Regulations. Please also refer to FAQ no. 11 in relation to the option to make a counter offer.

2. What is the reference date for calculation of floor price?

The reference date for computing the floor price is May 12, 2020 as per the provisions of the Delisting Regulations.

3. What happens if my bid price is higher than the final exit offer price?

In cases where the bids have not been accepted, the Equity Shares tendered by the Public Shareholders during the reverse book building process shall be returned or released to them within ten working days from the closure of the bidding period. The Public Shareholders holding such Equity Shares may tender their Equity Shares to the Promoter up to a period of one year from the date of delisting and, in such a case, the Promoter shall accept the shares tendered at the final exit offer price.

4. Does the delisting have any impact on the voting and dividend rights?

Once the Delisting Offer is successful, the Equity Shares will be delisted from the Stock Exchanges and the Company will become an unlisted public company. If a Public Shareholder has not tendered its Equity Shares during the Delisting Offer, it will continue to remain the shareholder of the Company and will have all the rights and benefits a shareholder of an unlisted public company has such as right to vote and right to receive dividends (if declared by the Company). Post delisting of the Company, the remaining Public Shareholders holding Equity Shares may tender their Equity Shares to the Promoter up to a period of one year from the date of delisting and, in such a case, the Promoter shall accept the shares tendered at the final exit offer price.

Process & Timeline Related

5. The Company has initiated a shareholder approval process via postal ballot - what is this? Will the final exit offer price be decided via this process?

As per the Delisting Regulations, a company is required to obtain (a) the approval of its board of directors; and (b) the approval of its shareholders by way of special resolution through postal ballot

The board of directors of the Company, in its meeting held on May 18, 2020, amongst other things, approved the Promoter's proposal to voluntarily delist the Equity Shares from the Stock Exchanges and authorised the Company to seek shareholders' approval by way of special resolution through postal ballot process. Accordingly, the Company has dispatched the postal ballot notice to its shareholders on May 25, 2020. Remote e-voting commences at 9:00 A.M.(IST) on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 and ends at 5:00 P.M. (IST) on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. Once the vote on the resolution is cast by a member, such member will not be allowed to change it subsequently.

In terms of the Delisting Regulations, the special resolution can be acted upon only if the votes cast by Public Shareholders in favour of the proposal amount to at least two times the number of votes cast by Public Shareholders against it.

The postal ballot process is only to seek shareholders' approval in relation to the Delisting Offer. The final exit offer price will not be decided through this process. As mentioned above, the final exit offer price will be determined pursuant to the reverse book building process as specified under the Delisting Regulations.

6. When does the reverse book building process begin? How am I supposed to tender shares and indicate a price in this process?

Upon receiving all the necessary approvals including the shareholders' approval and in-principle approval from the Stock Exchanges, the Promoter will issue a PA and dispatch the LOF and the bid form to the Public Shareholders of the Company. The PA and LOF shall contain details of the next steps, including procedure and timelines for the reverse book building process

7. Can I participate even if I don't receive the LOF and the bid form?

Yes, a Public Shareholder can participate in the Delisting Offer and make bids even if it did not receive the LOF and the bid form.

8. When is the Delisting Offer deemed to be successful? When are the shares delisted from the stock exchanges?

The Delisting Offer shall be considered successful if the Equity Shares accepted through the Delisting Offer takes the shareholding of the Promoter (along with persons acting in concert) to at least 90% of the paid-up equity share capital of the Company, excluding the shares which are then held by a custodian and against which ADS have been issued, and if the Promoter accepts the final exit offer price (which is determined in accordance with the reverse booking building process) in accordance with the Delisting Regulations.

After the success of the Delisting Offer and payment of consideration to the Public Shareholders who have tendered their Equity Shares, the Company will make the final application to the Stock Exchanges. Upon the receipt of the approval of the Stock Exchanges, the Equity Shares will be delisted.

9. Is the Promoter required to deposit any amount in an escrow account?

In terms of the Delisting Regulations, before making the PA, the Promoter will be required to deposit in the escrow account the total estimated amount of consideration calculated on the basis of the floor price and number of Equity Shares outstanding with Public Shareholders. This can be done by way of a cash deposit or by a bank guarantee or a combination of both. On determination of the final exit offer price and acceptance of the same by the Promoter, an additional sum to make up the entire sum due and payable as consideration in respect of Equity Shares outstanding with Public Shareholders will be required to be deposited in the escrow account.

10. When would I receive money for tendering of shares?

Upon success of the Delisting Offer, the Promoter would be required to make a post offer PA, amongst other things, informing its acceptance of the final exit offer price and the success of the Delisting Offer. All the Public Shareholders whose Equity Shares are verified to be genuine shall be paid the final exit offer price within ten working days from the closure of the bidding period.

11. What will happen if the Delisting Offer fails?

pursuant to the reverse book building process. If the final exit offer price is not acceptable to the Promoter, it may either reject the offer or has the option to make a counter offer to the Public Shareholders in accordance with the Delisting Regulations. In the event, a counter offer is made and is successful in accordance with the Delisting Regulations, the final exit offer price would be the counter offer price in accordance with the Delisting Regulations. Where the Promoter decides to: (a) not accept the discovered final exit offer price; or (b) the counter offer is not successful, then the Delisting Offer will fail.

In case of failure of the Delisting Offer

1. The Equity Shares tendered by the Public Shareholders during the reverse book building process shall be returned or released to him, within ten working days from the end of the bidding period;

2. No final application will be made to the Stock Exchange for delisting of the Equity Shares;

3. The escrow account opened by the Promoter for the purposes of the Delisting Offer shall be closed; and

4. The Company shall continue to be listed on the Stock Exchanges.

12. What is the process for American Depositary Shares (ADS) holders?

In accordance with the Delisting Regulations, the holders of ADS will not be entitled to participate in the Delisting Offer, unless they convert their ADS into Equity Shares. If the Delisting Offer is successful and the Equity Shares are delisted from the Stock Exchanges, then the Promoter intends to delist the ADS issued by the Company from New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and deregister the Company from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), subject to the requirements of the NYSE and the SEC.

13. Am I mandatorily required to participate in the Delisting Offer? What will happen if the Delisting Offer is successful and I have not participated?

successful (discussed above), the Equity Shares will be delisted from the Stock Exchanges and the Company will become an unlisted public company. If a Public Shareholder has not tendered its Equity Shares or its Equity Shares have not been accepted because the price quoted by the Public Shareholder was higher than the final exit offer price (determined as per the reverse book building process) during the Delisting Offer, it may tender its Equity Shares to the Promoter up to a period of one year from the date of delisting and, in such a case, the Promoter shall accept the shares tendered at the final exit offer price.

Scheme of Arrangement

Transfer General Reserves to the Retained Earnings Scheme of Demerger
Description Date Format
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Video Oct 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Video Oct 11, 2022
Voting Results, Scrutinizer’s Report and Outcome of NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders Oct 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting - FAQs Sep 13, 2022
Newspaper Advertisement – NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Business Standard (Mumbai & Pune Editions) Sep 12, 2022
Newspaper Advertisement – NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Navshakti (Maharashtra Edition) Sep 11, 2022
Newspaper Advertisement – NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Business Standard (All India Editions except Mumbai & Pune) Sep 10, 2022
Notice of the NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders Oct 11, 2022
Speaker Registration Criteria Oct 11, 2022
Integrated Report and Annual Accounts FY22  
NCLT Order dated 26 August 2022 Aug 26, 2022
BSE - Observation Letter Apr 19, 2022
NSE - Observation Letter Apr 07, 2022
Memorandum and Articles of Association Apr 19, 2022
Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2022 – Standalone Apr 19, 2022
Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2022 – Consolidated Apr 19, 2022
No Objection Certificate (NOC) from lending scheduled commercial banks/financial institutions/debenture trustee Apr 12, 2022
Report on Complaints - NSE Jan 28, 2022
Report on Complaints - BSE Dec 29, 2021
Auditors Certificate Dec 16, 2021
Declaration on listed debt obligations of Company Dec 08, 2021
Draft Scheme of Arrangement Nov 23, 2021
Report of Audit & Risk Management Committee Nov 23, 2021
Compliance Report Nov 23, 2021
Report of the Independent Directors Nov 23, 2021
Description Date Format
Draft Scheme
Revised Draft Scheme
Valuation Reports with Undertakings
Report of Audit & Risk Management Committee
Fairness Opinion Reports
Pre and Post Shareholding Pattern
Audited Financials along with Annual Reports
Auditor's Certificate
Compliance Report
Report of ID Committee
Nil Declaration on Past Defaults
Undertaking for NOC from lenders
Complaints Report – BSE

Shareholder Service Centre

Grievance redressal management system

Why dematerialise shares? Trading in compulsory demat

SEBI has notified various companies whose shares shall be traded in demat form only. By virtue of such notification, the shares of the Company are also subject to compulsory trading only in demat form on the Stock Exchanges.

Benefits of Demat

Elimination of bad deliveries

Elimination of all risks associated with physical certificates

No stamp duty on transfers

Immediate transfer / trading of securities

Faster settlement cycle

Faster disbursement of non-cash corporate benefits like rights, bonus, etc.

SMS alert facility

Lower brokerage is charged by many brokers for trading in dematerialised securities

Periodic status reports and information available on internet

Ease related to change of address of investor

Elimination of problems related to transmission of demat shares

Ease in portfolio monitoring

Ease in pledging the shares

How to dematerialise shares?

The procedure for dematerialising shares is as under :
Open Beneficiary Account with a DP registered with SEBI.

Submit Demat Request Form (DRF) as given by the DP, duly signed by all the holders with the names and signatures in the same order as appearing in the concerned certificate(s) and the Company records along with the share certificates (s).

Demat confirmations are required to be completed in 21 days as against 30 days (excluding time for despatch) for physical transfer. Service standards prescribed by the Company for completing demat is three days from the date of the receipt of requisite documents for the purpose.

Receive a confirmation statement of holdings from the DP. Statement of holdings is sent by the DPs from time to time.

What is rematerialisation of shares?

It is the process through which shares held in demat form are converted into physical form by issuance of share certificates (s).

What is the procedure for rematerialisation of shares?

Shareholders should submit duly filled in Rematerialisation Request Form (RRF) to the concerned DP.

DP intimates the relevant Depository of such requests.

DP submits RRF to the Company's R&TA.

Depository confirms rematerialisation request to the Company's R&TA.

The Company's R&TA updates accounts and prints certificates(s) and informs the Depository.

Depository updates the Beneficiary Account of the shareholder by deleting the shares so rematerialised.

Share certificates(s) is despatched to the shareholder.

Formalities for nomination facility

In case the shares are held in single name, it is always advisable to appoint a nominee. This nominee shall be the eventual owner of the shares after the death of the shareholder. Click here to download Nomination Form.

Formalities for transmission of shares (on the death of the shareholder)

If the shares are held in single name then on the death of the holder, only the legal heir shall submit the share certificates ,Transmission form with signature attested by the Banker, certified copy of Succession certificate/Certified copy of Probate of will/certified copy of Letter of admission, Self attested copy of PAN card and proof of Residence i.e. Copy of Aadhar Card/Electricity Bill/Voter ID /Driving licence.

In case the shares are to be transmitted in the name of the Nominee then the Nominee shall submit the share certificates ,Copy of the letter issued by Company/RTA confirmed Registered the Nominee, Transmission form with signature attested by Banker, self- attested copy of the PAN card and Proof of Residence i.e. Copy of Aadhar Card/Electricity Bill/Voter ID /Driving licence.

In case of shares held Jointly then for deletion of name of the deceased, the surviving shareholder shall submit share certificates, a request letter with signature attested by Banker, certified copy of death certificate, self- attested copy of PAN card and Proof of Residence i.e. copy of Aadhar Card/Electricity Bill/Voter ID /Driving licence.

Updation in register of members

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) vide its notification dated June 08, 2018 had mandated that transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only. Thereafter SEBI vide circulars dated November 03, 2021 and March 16, 2023 introduced Common and Simplified Norms for processing investor’s service request by Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (‘RTA’) and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination.

Kindly note that it has been made mandatory for all the shareholders holding securities of the Company in physical mode to furnish PAN, KYC details and Nomination details to the RTA / Company. In the event of non-receipt of such details and non-compliance with the requirement(s) by December 31, 2023, the concerned securities in the folio shall be frozen.

The documents as below to be completed and send in original for updations to the Company’s Registered Office or to M/s KFin Technolgoies Limited, Hyderabad Office

Form ISR-1

Form ISR-2

Form SH-13

Non-Receipt of dividend

To enable the members to receive the dividend at the earliest, the Members holding shares in physical form are requested to submit particulars of their bank accounts in ‘Form ISR-1’ along with the original cancelled cheque bearing the name of the Member to the Company/ KFintech to update/ change their bank account details and all the eligible members holding shares in demat mode are requested to update with their respective DPs their correct Bank Account Number, including 9 Digit MICR Code and 11 digit IFSC Code.

General Meetings

Description position Date Format
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY23 Aug 25, 2023
Postal Ballot – Notice FY23 Jul 26, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting – Voting Results and Scrutinizer Report FY23 Jul 13, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting – Chairman Speech FY23 Jul 13, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting - Transcript FY23 Jul 12, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting – Video FY23 Jul 12, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting – Proceedings FY23 Jul 12, 2023
Joining links for AGM and other details FY23 Jul 12, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY23 Jul 12, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting - FAQs FY23 Jul 12, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting - Speaker Criteria FY23 Jul 12, 2023
Postal Ballot – Outcome FY23 Apr 29, 2023
Postal Ballot – Notice FY23 Mar 28, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Video FY23 Oct 11, 2022
Voting Results, Scrutinizer’s Report and Outcome of NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders FY23 Oct 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders - FAQs FY23 Oct 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders - Notice FY23 Oct 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders - Speaker Criteria FY23 Oct 11, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY23 Aug 10, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - FAQs FY23 Aug 10, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - Speaker Criteria FY23 Aug 10 , 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - Chairman Speech FY23 Aug 10, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY23 Aug 10, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting - Video FY23 Aug 10, 2022
56th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY22 Aug 10, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting - FAQs FY22 Aug 10, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting - Speaker Criteria FY22 Aug 10, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting - Chairman Speech FY22 Aug 10, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY22 Aug 10, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting - Video FY22 Aug 10, 2021
55th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY21 Sep 30, 2020
55th Annual General Meeting - FAQs FY21 Sep 30, 2020
55th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY21 Sep 30, 2020
Postal Ballot - Notice FY21 Jun 24, 2020
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY21 Jun 24, 2020
Postal Ballot - Notice FY20 Dec 06, 2019
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY20 Dec 06, 2019
Postal Ballot - Minutes FY20 Dec 06, 2019
54th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY20 Jul 11, 2019
54th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY20 Jul 11, 2019
54th Annual General Meeting - Minutes FY20 Jul 11, 2019
54th Annual General Meeting - Video FY20 Jul 11, 2019
Attendance Slip FY19
Directions for AGM Venue FY19
Proxy Form FY19
53rd Annual General Meeting - Notice FY19 Aug 24, 2018
53rd Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY19 Aug 24, 2018
53rd Annual General Meeting - Minutes FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Attendance Slip for 53rd AGM FY18
MGMT 11- Proxy form FY18
52nd Annual General Meeting - Notice FY18 Jul 11, 2017
52nd Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY18 Jul 11, 2017
Postal Ballot - Notice FY17 Oct 28, 2016
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY17 Oct 28, 2016
Postal Ballot & Court Convened Meeting - Notice FY17 Jul 30, 2016
Postal Ballot & Court Convened Meeting - Outcome FY17 Jul 30, 2016
51st Annual General Meeting - Notice FY17 Jun 29, 2016
51st Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Postal Ballot - Notice FY17 Apr 28, 2016
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY17 Apr 28, 2016
50th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY16 Jul 11, 2015
50th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY16 Jul 11, 2015
Postal Ballot - Notice FY16 May 28, 2015
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY16 May 28, 2015
Postal Ballot - Notice FY15 Feb 20, 2015
Postal Ballot - Outcome FY15 Feb 20, 2015
49th Annual General Meeting - Notice FY15 Jul 11, 2014
49th Annual General Meeting - Outcome FY15 Jul 11, 2014

Merger – Cairn Vedanta

Description Date Format
Vedanta-Cairn India Information Statement May 22, 2018
Scheme of Arrangement dated July 22, 2016 May 22, 2018
Submission of documents as stated in Observation Letter dated September 10, 2015 post sanction of the Scheme of Arrangement Mar 28, 2017
Shareholders of Cairn India Limited approved the merger with Vedanta Sep 09, 2016
Form 6K - Notice to Shareholders for CCM & Postal Ballot dated July 30,2016 Aug 08, 2016
Vedanta-Cairn India Information Statement Aug 10, 2016
Notice to Shareholders for CCM & Postal Ballot dated July 30,2016 Aug 05, 2016
Report of Audit Committee dated July 22, 2016 Jul 22, 2016
Fairness Opinion dated July 22, 2016 Jul 22, 2016
Valuation Report dated July 22, 2016 Jul 22, 2016

Vedanta Limited - Dividend History

Period Face Value
of Share
Dividend Warrant
(of face value)
Dividend per
share (in ₹)
2023-24 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Jun 12, 2023 1850 18.50
2022-23 (Fifth Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Apr 17, 2023 2050 20.50
2022-23 (Fourth Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Feb 16, 2023 1250 12.50
2022-23 (Third Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Dec 13, 2022 1750 17.50
2022-23 (Second Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Aug 08, 2022 1950 19.50
2022-23 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- May 23, 2022 3150 31.50
2021-22 (Third Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Mar 23, 2022 1300 13.00
2021-22 (Second Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Jan 04, 2022 1350 13.50
2021-22 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Sepr 17, 2021 1850 18.50
2020-21 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 11, 2020 950 9.50
2019-20 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Mar 12, 2020 390 3.90
2018-19 (Second Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Mar 18, 2019 185 1.85
2018-19 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 22, 2018 1700 17.00
2017-18 (First Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Mar 27, 2018 2120 21.20
2016-17 (Second Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Apr 28, 2017 1770 17.70
2016-17 (Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 10, 2016 175 1.75
2015-16 (Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 3, 2015 350 3.50
2014-15 (Final Dividend) ₹1/- Jul 15, 2015 235 2.35
2014-15 (Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 10, 2014 175 1.75
2013-14 (Final Dividend) ₹1/- Jul 15, 2014 175 1.75
2013-14 (Interim Dividend) ₹1/- Nov 13, 2013 150 1.50
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Unclaimed Dividend

Unclaimed Dividend Due for transfer to IEPF

Description position Date Format
Unclaimed First Interim Dividend 2023-24 Sep 12, 2023
Unclaimed Fifth Interim Dividend 2022-23 Jul 17, 2023
Unclaimed Fourth Interim Dividend 2022-23 May 16, 2023
Unclaimed Third Interim Dividend 2022-23 Feb 28, 2023
Unclaimed Second Interim Dividend 2022-23 Nov 08, 2022
Unclaimed First Interim Dividend 2022-23 Aug 23, 2022
Unclaimed Third Interim Dividend 2021-22 FY22 Jun 24, 2022
Unclaimed First Interim Dividend 2021-22 FY22 Dec 17, 2021
Unclaimed First Interim Dividend 2020-21 FY21 Feb 11, 2021
30 Aug 2019 FY20 Aug 30, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY1) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY2) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY3) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY4) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY5) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY6) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
31 Mar 2019 (FY7) FY20 Mar 31, 2019
2nd Interim Dividend 2018-19 paid to IEPF FY19 Mar 18, 2019
Dividend on Redeemable Preference Shares FY19 Jan 25, 2019
Redemption on Redeemable Preference Shares FY19 Jan 25, 2019
IEPF 7 First Interim Dividend 2018-19 paid to IEPF FY19 Nov 22, 2018
Final Dividend 2010-11 erstwhile SIIL FY19 Aug 31, 2018
Final Dividend 2010-11 SGL FY19 Aug 27, 2018
Final Dividend 2010-2011 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2011-2012 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Second Interim Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Second Interim Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2010-2011 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2011-2012 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2013-2014 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2013-2014 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2014-2015 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2014-2015 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2015-2016 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2016-2017 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Second Interim Dividend 2016-17 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2013-2014 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2015-2016 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2012-2013 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2013-2014 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Interim Dividend 2014-2015 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Final Dividend 2014-2015 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
First Interim Dividend 2017-2018 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Preference Dividend 2017-2018 FY19 Aug 24, 2018
Vedanta RPS unpaid March 31, 2018 FY19 Mar 31, 2018
IEPF-7 Second Interim Dividend paid to IEPF 27.03.2018 FY19 Mar 27, 2018
Vedanta Unpaid Dividend March 27, 2018 FY19 Mar 27, 2018
Unclaimed Dividend Second Interim Dividend 2016-17 FY18 Aug 03, 2017
2nd Interim Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
2nd Interim Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Dividend 2010-11 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
2nd Interim Dividend 2016-17 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2011-12 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividiend 2009-10 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2009-10 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2009-10 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2011- 12 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2011-12 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2013-14 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2014 -15 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2014-15 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2015-16 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2013-14 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2010-11 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2011-12 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2012- 13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2012-13 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2013- 14 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2014 - 15 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2014-15 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2015-16 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2013-14 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Interim Dividend 2016-17 FY18 Jul 14, 2017
Final Dividend 2008-2009 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2012-2013 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2008-2009 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2008-2009 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2009- 2010 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2009-2010 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2009-2010 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2010-2011 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2010-2011 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2010-2011 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2011-2012 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2012-2013 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2013-2014 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Final Dividend 2014-2015 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2011-2012 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2011-2012 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 (1st) FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 (2nd) FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 (2nd) FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2013-2014 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2014-2015 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Interim Dividend 2015-2016 FY17 Jun 29, 2016
Unpaid Final Dividend 2014-15 FY16
Dividend 2008-2009 FY16
Interim Dividend 2014-15 FY16
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 (1st) FY16
Final Dividend FY16
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY16
Final Dividend 2011-12 FY16
Interim Dividend 2012-2013 (2nd) FY16
Final Dividend 2009-10 FY16
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY16
Final Dividend 2011-12 FY16
Final Dividend 2012-13 FY16
Interim Dividend 2015-16 FY16
Final Dividend 2013-14 FY16
Final Dividend 2008-09 FY16
Final Dividend 2009-10 FY16
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY16
Interim Dividend 2011-12 FY16
Dividend 2010 FY16
Interim Dividend 2011 FY16
Dividend 2012-2013 FY16
Interim Dividend FY16
Final Dividend 2010-11 FY16
Final Dividend 2014-15 FY16
Final Dividend 2011-12 FY16
Interim Dividend 2013-14 FY16
Unclaimed Interim Dividend 2014-2015 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2007-08 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2008-09 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2009-10 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2010-11 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2011-12 FY15
MALCO Interim Dividend 2012-13 FY15
MALCO final dividend 2012-13 FY15
SGL Final Dividend 2007-08 FY15
SGL Final Dividend 2008-09 FY15
SGL final dividend 2009-10 FY15
SGL final dividend 2010-11 FY15
SGL Interim Dividend 2011-12 FY15
SGL final dividend 2011-12 FY15
SIIL Final dividend 2007-08 FY15
SIIL final dividend 2008-09 FY15
SIIL final dividend 2009-10 FY15
SIIL final dividend 2010-11 FY15
SIIL Interim Dividend 2010-11 FY15
SIIL Interim Dividend 2010-11 FY15
SIIL final dividend 2011-12 FY15
SIIL Interim Dividend 2012-13 (1st) FY15
Interim Dividend FY15
Final dividend 2012-13 FY15
Interim Dividend 2013-14 FY15
Final dividend 2013-14 FY15
Sesa Sterlite Limited FY14
Sesa Sterlite Limited FY14
Sesa Sterlite Limited FY14
Unclaimed Final Dividend 2013-14 FY14
Sesa Goa Unpaid Dividend FY13
Sterlite Industries Unpaid Dividend FY12
Sesa Goa Unpaid Dividend FY12
Sterlite Industries Unpaid Dividend FY11
Sesa Goa Unpaid Dividend FY11

Unclaimed Dividend transferred to IEPF

Description position Date Format
Final Dividend 2015-16: Erstwhile Cairn India Sep 12, 2023
Interim Dividend 2015-16: Vedanta Limited (Post Merger) Dec 6, 2022
Final Dividend 2014-15: Erstwhile Cairn India Sep 14, 2022
Final Dividend 2014-15: Vedanta Limited (Post Merger) Sep 03, 2022
Interim Dividend 2014-15: Vedanta Limited (Post Merger) FY22 Dec 14, 2021
Interim Dividend 2014-15: Erstwhile Cairn India FY22 Nov 2, 2021
Final Dividend 2013-14: Erstwhile Cairn India FY22 Sep 14, 2021
Final Dividend 2013-14: Vedanta Limited (Post Merger) FY22 Aug 26, 2021
Interim Dividend 2013-14: Vedanta Limited (Post Merger) FY21 Dec 22, 2020
Interim Dividend 2013-14: Erstwhile Cairn India FY21 Dec 09, 2020
Sale Proceeds of Fractional Shares arising out of Amalgamation Scheme 2013 FY21 Oct 14, 2020
Final Dividend 2012-13: Erstwhile Cairn India FY21 Sep 08, 2020
Final Dividend 2012-13: Erstwhile SGL FY21 Aug 21 2020
Final Dividend 2012-13: Erstwhile MALCO FY21 Aug 19, 2020
Interim Dividend 2012-13: Erstwhile Sterlite Industries FY21 Jun 10, 2020
Interim Dividend 2012-13_Erstwhile Cairn India FY21 Dec 21, 2019
Interim Dividend 2012-13_Erstwhile MALCO FY20 Dec 19, 2019
Interim Dividend 2012_13_Erstwhile Sterlite Industries FY20 Dec 16, 2019
Final dividend 2011_12_Erstwhile Sterlite Industries FY20 Sep 18, 2019
Final dividend 2011_12_vedanta ltd (earlier Sesa Goa Ltd.) FY20 Aug 08 , 2019
Final dividend 2011_12_Erstwhile MALCO FY20 Jul 29, 2019
Interim Dividend 2011-12_Erstwhile Sesa Goa Limited FY19 Mar 16, 2019
Interim Dividend 2011-12_Erstwhile Sterlite Industries FY19 Dec 19, 2018
Dividend 2010-11_Erstwhile Sterlite Industries FY19 Sept 19, 2018
Final Dividend 2010-11_erstwhile MALCO FY19 Aug 15, 2018
Unclaimed Dividend 2010-11_SGL FY19 May 17, 2018
Final Dividend 2008-2009_SIIL FY17 Nov 23, 2016
Final Dividend 2008-2009 FY17 Oct 19, 2016
Final Dividend 2008-2009_MALCO FY17 Aug 28, 2016

Shareholding Pattern

Description Date Format
Shareholding Pattern as on September 30, 2023 Oct 16, 2023
Shareholding Pattern for Quarter ended June 30, 2023 Jul 17, 2023
Shareholding Pattern as on March 31, 2023 Apr 21, 2023
Shareholding Pattern as on December 31, 2022 Jan 19, 2023
Shareholding Pattern as on September 30, 2022 Oct 21, 2022
Shareholding Pattern as on June 30, 2022 Jul 20, 2022
Shareholding Pattern as on March 31, 2022 Apr 19, 2022
Shareholding pattern as on December 31, 2021 Jan 15, 2022
Shareholding pattern as on September 30, 2021 Oct 14, 2021
Shareholding pattern as on June 30, 2021 Jun 30, 2021
Shareholding pattern as on April 23, 2021 Apr 23, 2021
VEDL-Shareholding Pattern – March 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2021
VEDL-Shareholding Pattern - December 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2020
VEDL-Shareholding Pattern September 30, 2020 Sep 30, 2020
VEDL -Shareholding Pattern - June 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020
Shareholding Pattern as on March 31, 2020 Mar 31, 2020
Shareholding Pattern as on Dec 31, 2019 Dec 31, 2019
Shareholding Pattern as on Sep 30, 2019 Sep 30, 2019
Shareholding Pattern as on Jun 30, 2019 Jun 30, 2019
Shareholding Pattern as on March 31, 2019 Mar 31, 2019
Shareholding Pattern as on Dec 31, 2018 Dec 31, 2018
Shareholding Pattern as on Jun 30, 2018 Jun 30, 2018
Shareholding pattern as on Mar 31, 2018 Mar 31, 2018
Shareholding pattern as on Dec 31, 2017 Dec 31, 2017
Shareholding pattern as on Sep 30, 2017 Sep 30, 2017
Shareholding pattern as on Jun 30, 2017 Jun 30, 2017
Shareholding Pattern March 31, 2017 Mar 31, 2017
Shareholding Pattern December 31, 2016 Dec 31, 2016
Shareholding Pattern September 30, 2016 Sep 30, 2016
Shareholding Pattern June 30, 2016 Jun 30, 2016
Sesa Sterlite Limited Mar 31, 2015 Mar 31, 2015
Sesa Sterlite Limited Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2014
Sesa Sterlite Limited Sep 30, 2014 Sep 30, 2014
Sesa Sterlite Limited Jun 30, 2014 Jun 30, 2014
Sesa Sterlite Limited Mar 31, 2014 Mar 31, 2014
Sesa Sterlite Limited Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013
Sesa Goa - limited Jun 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Jun 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Mar 31, 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Sesa Goa Limited Mar 31 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Sesa Goa Limited Dec 31 2012 Dec 31, 2012
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Dec 31 2012 Dec 31, 2012
Sesa Goa Limited Sep 30 2012 Sep 30, 2012
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Sep 30 2012 Sep 30, 2012
Sesa Goa Limited Jun 30 2012 Jun 30, 2012
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Jun 30 2012 Jun 30, 2012
Sesa Goa limited March 31, 2012 Mar 31, 2012
Sterlite Industries Limited March 31, 2012 Mar 31, 2012
Sesa Goa Limited December 31, 2011 Dec 31, 2011
Sesa Goa Limited September 30, 2011 Sep 30, 2011
Sterlite Industries Limited September 30, 2011 Sep 30, 2011
Sesa Goa Limited Jun 30, 2011 Jun 30, 2011
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Jun 30, 2011 Jun 30, 2011
Sesa Goa Limited March 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2011
Sterlite Industries Limited March 31, 2011 Mar 31, 2011
Sterlite Industries Limited December 31, 2011 Dec 31, 2011
Sesa Goa Limited December 31, 2010 Dec 31, 2010
Sesa Goa Limited September 30, 2010 Sep 30, 2010
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Sep 30, 2010 Sep 30, 2010
Sesa Goa Limited Jun 30, 2010 Jun 30, 2010
Sterlite Industries (India) limited Jun 30 2010 Jun 30, 2010
Sesa Goa Limited March 31, 2010 Mar 31, 2010
Sterlite Industries (India) Limited March 31, 2010 Mar 31, 2010
Sesa Goa Limited December 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2009
Sterlite Industries (India) Limited December 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2009
Sesa Goa Limited September 30, 2009 Sep 30, 2009
Sterlite Industries (India) limited September 30, 2009 Sep 30, 2009
Sesa Goa Limited September June 30,2009 Jun 30, 2009
Sterlite Industries (India) limited June 30 2009 Jun 30, 2009

Details of Capital Evolution

Date of Issue No. of shares Cumulative capital
(No of shares)
Details of Corporate Actions
Jan-22-1982 - 36,75,000 Public (1st offer to the public.)
**60% of 36,75,000 i.e. 22,05,000 shares were offered to Indian Public by the Promoters by offer for sale and balance 14,70,000 shares held by Promoters representing 40% of the paid-up capital.
Dec-12-1986 14,70,000 5,14,50,000 Bonus - Promoter & Public
Feb-01-1992 8,64,360 60,09,360 Preferential Shares - Promoters
Feb-01-1992 12,96,540 73,05,900 Conversion of Debentures
May-29-1993 73,05,900 14,61,18,000 Bonus - Promoter & Public
Mar-15-1994 32,80,200 17,89,20,000 Preferential Shares - Promoters
Rights- Promoter & Public
Mar-03-2005 1,96,81,010 39,36,20,200 Bonus - Promoter & Public
Aug-2008 - 78,72,40,400 Sub-Division of shares from face value of Rs. 10/- to face value of Re. 1/- and bonus share in the ratio 1:1
Jul-22-2009 3,32,74,000 82,05,14,400 Preferential Shares - Promoters
Jan-14-2010 20,34,128 82,25,48,528 Conversion of FCCB’s
Mar-15-2010 84,13,274 83,09,61,802 Conversion of FCCB’s
Apr-05-2010 88,14,567 83,97,76,369 Conversion of FCCB’s
Apr-23-2010 1,83,76,377 85,81,52,746 Conversion of FCCB’s
May-17-2010 15,49,813 85,97,02,559 Conversion of FCCB’s
Mar-12-2011 93,98,864 86,91,01,423 Scheme of Amalgamation of Sesa Industries Limited with Sesa Goa Limited.
Aug-29-2013 209,55,73,064 296,46,74,487 The Scheme of amalgamation and arrangement was amongst Sterlite Industries (India) Limited, Madras Aluminium Company Limited (MALCO), Sterlite Energy Limited (SEL), Vedanta Aluminium Limited (VAL) and Sesa Goa and their respective Shareholders and Creditors (‘Composite Scheme’) and the Scheme of Amalgamation of Ekaterina Limited (Ekaterina) with Sesa Goa and their respective Shareholders and Creditors (‘Ekaterina Scheme’).
Aug-13-2014 14,952 296,46,89,439 Shares kept in abeyance subsequent to an appropriate order
Feb-25-2015 4,800 296,46,94,239 Shares kept in abeyance subsequent to an appropriate order
Apr-28-2017 75,25,00,000 371,71,94,239 The Scheme of Amalgamation - Cairn India Limited – allotment in the ration 1:1 to Cairn India shareholders
Mar-26-2018 2400 371,71,96,639 Shares kept in abeyance subsequent to an appropriate order
Oct-26-2021 2400 371,71,99,039 Shares kept in abeyance subsequent to an appropriate order
Jun-05-2023 7200 371,72,06,239 Shares kept in abeyance subsequent to an appropriate order

Unclaimed Shares

Unclaimed Shares Due for transfer to IEPF

Description Format
Jan 02, 2022
Nov 21, 2021
Sept 26, 2021
Sep 14, 2021
Jan 04, 2021
Dec 26, 2020
Sep 27, 2020
Aug 31, 2020
Aug 10, 2020
Jul 03, 2020
Aug 28, 2019

Unclaimed Shares transferred to IEPF

Description Format
Sep 28, 2022
Dec 31, 2022
Sep 27, 2022
Sep 14, 2022
Jan 14, 2022
Nov 25, 2021
Sep 22, 2021
Sep 09, 2021
Jan 02, 2021
Dec 22, 2020
Sep 23, 2020
Aug 29, 2020
Aug 12, 2020
Jul 03, 2020
Dec 28, 2019
Dec 27, 2019
Dec 25, 2019
Sep 20, 2019
Aug 30, 2019
Aug 23, 2019

Investor Education and Protection
Fund Authority (IEPF)

Shares Transfer

Pursuant to Section 124(6) read with Rule 6 of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, as amended from time to time, wherein the dividend is unclaimed / unpaid for seven (7) consecutive years, then the shares are identified for being transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority. To claim the unpaid / unclaimed dividend and shares from the IEPF, the claimant has to submit an on line Form IEPF 5. The instructions kit and the Form IEPF 5 is available on the website of IEFP and can be accessed at

Few matters to be noted by Claimant

The details of the unpaid / unclaimed dividend and shares has to be obtained by the shareholder / claimant from the Company and / or Registrar & Transfer Agent prior to submission of Form IEPF 5 as these details form part of submission.

The shareholder / claimant has to register herself / himself for filing the web IEPF 5 Form on the IEPF portal at

All the process, procedure, documentations has to be completed in all aspects as per the requirement to enable the ease of release of unpaid / unclaimed dividend and shares by IEPF Authority

It is mandatory to open a new demat account (incase if not opened) as shares are transferred by IEPF Authority in demat mode only

The shareholder / claimant may send in the documents to the Nodal Officer at the below address of the Company:
Nodal Officer
Vedanta Limited
Unit 103, C Wing, 1st Floor,
Corporate Avenue
Atul Project, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 093.

Format for Indemnity
Format for Advance Receipt

Newspaper Publications

Description Position Date Format
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Nov 25, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Nov 17, 2023
Extract of Financial Results – Q2 FY 2024 FY23 Nov 05, 2023
Intimation of Board Meeting – Q2 FY 2024 FY23 Nov 04, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Oct 06, 2023
Notice to Equity Shareholders – Transfer to IEPF FY23 Sep 04, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Aug 30, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Aug 08, 2023
Postal Ballot Notice FY23 Jul 27, 2023
Extract of Financial Results – Q1 FY 2024 FY23 Jul 21, 2023
Intimation of Board Meeting – Q1 FY 2024 FY23 Jul 16, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Jul 04, 2023
58th Annual General Meeting; Remote E-voting and Book Closure FY23 Jun 20, 2023
Public Notice to the Members regarding 58th Annual General Meeting FY23 Jun 17, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Jun 09, 2023
Notice to Equity Shareholders – Transfer to IEPF FY23 May 25, 2023
Extract of Financial Results – Q4 FY 2023 FY23 May 12, 2023
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q4 FY 2023 FY23 May 06, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Apr 21, 2023
Postal Ballot Notice FY23 Mar 30, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Mar 23, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Feb 28, 2023
Extract of Financial Results – Q3 FY 2023 FY23 Jan 27, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Jan 23, 2023
Intimation of Board Meeting – Q3 FY 2023 FY23 Jan 18, 2023
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Dec 28, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Nov 04, 2022
Extract of Financial Results – Q2 FY 2023 FY23 Oct 28, 2022
Intimation of Board Meeting – Q2 FY 2023 FY23 Oct 20, 2022
Notice to Equity Shareholders – Transfer to IEPF FY23 Oct 03, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Sep 24, 2022
Newspaper Advertisement – NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Business Standard (Mumbai & Pune Editions) FY23 Sep 12, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Navshakti (Maharashtra Edition) FY23 Sep 11, 2022
NCLT Convened Meeting of Equity Shareholders – Business Standard (All India Editions except Mumbai & Pune) FY23 Sep 10, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Aug 18, 2022
Extract of Financial Results - Q1 FY23 FY23 Jul 28, 2022
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q1 FY23 FY23 Jul 19, 2022
57th Annual General Meeting; Remote E-voting and Book Closure FY23 Jul 16, 2022
Public Notice to Members regarding 57th Annual General Meeting FY23 Jul 14, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 Jun 11, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY23 May 28, 2022
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY23 May 21, 2022
Extract of Financial Results - Q4 FY22 FY23 Apr 28 , 2022
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q4 FY22 FY23 Apr 12, 2022
Extract of Financial Results - Q3 FY22 FY22 Jan 28, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY22 Jan 20, 2022
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q3 FY22 FY22 Jan 19, 2022
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY22 Nov 20, 2021
Extract of Financial Results - Q2 FY22 FY22 Oct 29, 2021
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q2 FY22 FY22 Oct 20, 2021
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY22 Aug 20, 2021
Extract of Financial Results - Q1 FY22 FY22 Jul 26, 2021
56th Annual General Meeting; Remote E-voting and Book Closure FY22 17 Juy 2021
Public Notice to Members regarding 56th Annual General Meeting FY22 Jul 15, 2021
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY22 Jul 2, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY22 Jul 1, 2021
Extract of Financial Results - Q4 FY21 FY22 May 13, 2021
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY22 May 13, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY22 May 7, 2021
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q4 FY21 FY22 May 5, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY22 Apr 14, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY21 Mar 27, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY21 Mar 10, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY21 Feb 9, 2021
Extract of Financial Results - Q3 FY21 FY21 Jan 29, 2021
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q3 FY21 FY21 Jan 22, 2021
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY21 Dec 4, 2020
Extract of Financial Results - Q2 FY21 FY21 Nov 6, 2020
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q2 FY21 FY21 Oct 31, 2020
Post Offer Public Announcement - VEDL Delisting FY21 Oct 11, 2020
VEDL Delisting - Public Notice FY21 Oct 9, 2020
Extract of Financial Results - Q1 FY21 FY21 Oct 3, 2020
Corrigendum to Public Announcement for VEDL Delisting FY21 Oct 2, 2020
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q1 FY21 FY21 Sep 30, 2020
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY21 Sep 29, 2020
Public Announcement for VEDL Delisting FY21 Sep 29, 2020
55th Annual General Meeting; Remote E-voting and Book Closure FY21 Sep 9, 2020
Public Notice to Members regarding 55th Annual General Meeting FY21 Sep 8, 2020
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY21 Aug 28, 2020
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY21 May 30, 2020
Postal Ballot Notice FY21 May 26, 2020
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY21 May 1, 2020
First Interim Dividend FY20 Feb 29, 2020
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Feb 26, 2020
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY20 Feb 24, 2020
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Jan 30, 2020
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q3 FY20 FY20 Jan 25, 2020
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Jan 4, 2020
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Dec 6, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Nov 20, 2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q2 FY20 FY20 Nov 9, 2019
Postal Ballot Notice FY20 Nov 6, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Oct 18, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Sep 12, 2019
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY20 Aug 28, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Aug 5, 2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q1 FY20 FY20 Jul 21, 2019
Central Government Application FY20 Jul 20, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Jun 21, 2019
54th Annual General Meeting FY20 Jun 17, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 May 16, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 May 9, 2019
Intimation of Board Meeting - Q4 FY19 FY20 May 1, 2019
Notice to Equity Shareholders - Transfer to IEPF FY20 Apr 29, 2019
Loss & Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificates FY20 Apr 6, 2019

ADS Holders

Description Date Format
Process on ADS Cancellation Sep 23, 2021
ADS holders participation process in open offer Mar 18, 2021