Fuelling a better life for rural communities
Jun 19, 2023 . Read 5 min

Fuelling a better life for rural communities

Team Vedanta

How Vedanta Limited's ‘Project Clean Energy’ is driving improved socio-economic outcomes in rural Odisha

Among rural communities in Odisha, access to clean cooking fuels can be a challenge. Traditionally, families have relied on firewood for meeting their needs, which results in indoor pollution and lingering health issues, especially for women. We are helping address this gap by providing smokeless chullahs and clean lighting solutions.

Lanjigarh is a town located within the Kalahandi district of Odisha. It is home to our state-of-the-art alumina refinery, which feeds Vedanta Aluminium’s smelters in Jharsuguda, Odisha and Korba, Chhattisgarh. Given its remote location, the region has had limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development. However, it is now undergoing a radical transformation through focused interventions. Project Clean Energy is one such initiative, illustrating our consistent efforts to bring enhanced quality of life and well-being to its people.

Vedanta Limited, Lanjigarh, as part of Project Clean Energy, has implemented two important programs, aimed at enhancing the socio-economic conditions of the local community. With a thrust on providing cleaner cooking and lighting technologies, these initiatives have brought about significant changes in the lives of the residents, particularly in the form of enhanced respiratory health, reduced carbon emissions, and improved energy access.

One of the key objectives of the Clean Cooking program is to enhance the respiratory health of women by promoting fuel-efficient cooking stoves, commonly known as ‘chullahs’. Under the initiative, Vedanta Limited has supported over 226 families in Lanjigarh by eliminating the use of traditional chullahs, which often lead to indoor air pollution. By promoting fuel-efficient chullahs, Vedanta has successfully reduced carbon emissions and wood consumption by more than 50% per household.

Additionally, Vedanta has also implemented the Clean Lighting initiative, which has provided support to 850 households in Lanjigarh. This program aims to improve energy access and reduce reliance on traditional sources of lighting. By promoting solar-based lanterns, Vedanta has brought about a positive change in the lives of community members, ensuring they have access to clean and reliable lighting solutions for their work and studies.

One of the beneficiaries of Vedanta's Clean Energy initiatives is Padma Majhi from Belamba village in Lanjigarh. She shared her experience, saying “Vedanta has supported us with Fuel Efficient Chullahs and also demonstrated how to use it properly. The chullah has minimised smoke emissions and the amount of wood consumed in our house has also come down due to this initiative. The reduced smoke also prevents eye irritations, nor does one face difficulty in breathing while cooking. I have been using the chullah since the last 3 months and I express my gratitude towards Vedanta for this initiative”.

Padma Majhi's experience underscores the positive impact of these initiatives on the lives of individuals and families. Vedanta Limited's Clean Energy initiative in Lanjigarh has proven to be a significant success in enabling community members to experience a better quality of life.